We have lots of announcements today!
We have now opened our grants form! If you really want to join us next June but can’t afford it, please check our Grants form on pycon.it/grants-info and send a request! If accepted, we will cover conference tickets and, if needed, travel expenses! Huge thanks to our sponsors for supporting this!
Hotel Rooms
Do you want to make sure you don’t miss any talk? Then you should book your stay at the Grand Hotel Mediterraneo, where the action takes place! We have a limited number of rooms available, so act quickly! pycon.it/tickets
Python Italia Membership
Python Italia is the no-profit association behind PyCon Italia and many more events! With a small 10€ fee you can become part of the association too, this will help everything Python Italia does, from PyCon Italia to the smaller local communities!
You are wondering what is in it for you? Well, all Python Italia members will be able to vote during the PyCon Italia 2022 voting session! So if you want to make sure your favourite talk or workshop gets in, become a member now! You can do it on pycon.it/tickets
Remember to check our COVID-19 policy, pycon.it/covid-19, so you can buy your tickets and room with peace of mind!